Designer T-Shirt Artists Collective

Welcome to the site for those of us keeping Art Life Collective - the place for designer art T-shirts - alive and a growing concern. This is where we will talk about everything involving the collective, from our own artwork to how and why we print shirts and do what we do, with the occassional political and social diatribe thrown in for fun.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Custom designer t-shirt database now searchable

At Art Life Collective,, we are continuing to expand services for our contributing custom t-shirt artists. And, with the advent of the search engine, we hope to make the site more accessible for customers and our member artists.

Despite the ongoing development of ALC, including the creation of the Art Life Collective Forum, we are maintaining the site free of charge to artists who upload their work.

A couple of notes about the forum: It is a place for artists and graphic designers to network and share ideas and even promote their work outside ALC. For that atmosphere to remain conducive to such productive exchanges, we require people to behave accordingly. As a rule, we have almost no real rules for the forum -- and are very liberal about what can be uploaded to ALC, copywright issues and pornography excluded, of course. However, for people posting to either or the forum,, please keep in mind, we allow no spam or flaming or other nasty behavior. It makes life difficult for those of us lurking behind the scenes who keep the gears turning and pull the levers that make Art Life Collective work.

Also, we have several new artists and some of our current members continue to upload new work, so check it out. The best way to see what's new is by clicking latest under the artist menu or new to old under the gallery listing.

Also, props to everyone who is helping promote their own work in blogs and places like Craigslist and Myspace. We do take great efforts to promote what our contributors bring to the site, but we need everyone to do their part here to make this work.

What's especially encouraging is the huge diversity and range of the submissions to ALC, from simple graphic-text logos to fine arts and photo prints. There is really some great stuff posted on the site. Good job. Also, if anyone stumbles on a marketing strategy that works well, post it to the forums so other artists can follow you lead.

Blair, Jules and I are working on yet another facet of ALC, though that's going to be something of a surprise -- sort of a foray into dadaist expression -- so keep watching the site.

Thanks again for everyone who has made this collective effort a growing success.


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