Designer T-Shirt Artists Collective

Welcome to the site for those of us keeping Art Life Collective - the place for designer art T-shirts - alive and a growing concern. This is where we will talk about everything involving the collective, from our own artwork to how and why we print shirts and do what we do, with the occassional political and social diatribe thrown in for fun.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

ALC custom shirt site redesign

We are in the process of redesigning the site for Art Life Collective, so, all our custom t-shirt designers and artists, please report any bugs you run across. We humbly beg your forgiveness for any inconvenience. We would fall on our swords, but there are only a handful of us here, so things would end pretty quickly.

Seriously, though, we have been paying attention to the survey we sent out and now have a million things we want to improve. A couple topping the list are a faster loading front page and making it more user friendly. We also are going to be addressing the transparency issue with the preview boxes that makes it hard to see dark vector designs in those spaces. This has not been a huge issue, since the images show up on the shirts, but it does make browsing the gallery a less than perfect experience.

We are really looking to improve things for both our contributing artists and other shirt designers and think everyone will be pleased with the changes.
Now, there are a few things artists need to do -- if they want to optimize their traffic and really get the full use of what ALC brings to the table -- is to make sure they are not only titling their designs, but filling in the shirt descriptions so our on-site search engine can find them. That's what people looking for specific artwork and shirts use to browse Art Life Collective ... or any site. It only takes a few seconds to do, soo DO IT, at least if you want your images searchable.

This is not just about directing buyers to your shirts, but people to your art. Most of our artists have distinctive styles, that, if their descriptions are accurate, should send people to their pages and work, which often links to other of their works of site and so on.

Also, remember, anyone having any problems or needs any help, please let us know, either to me,, or or post the issue on our t-shirt forums for artists. What ever we can do to help, we will.

Again, the ALC team appreciates everyone who took the time to fill out the surveys and let us know what you want. We are going to implement a serious number of those changes over the next few weeks or so. Anyone who has additional suggestions, feel free to contact us at the above listings and give us a heads up.



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