Designer T-Shirt Artists Collective

Welcome to the site for those of us keeping Art Life Collective - the place for designer art T-shirts - alive and a growing concern. This is where we will talk about everything involving the collective, from our own artwork to how and why we print shirts and do what we do, with the occassional political and social diatribe thrown in for fun.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Patience please

Just in case everyone is still wondering, we are still working on some coding issues with Art Life Collective.

The big moves here will be aimed at making Art Life Collective more accessible both for our artists and people looking to buy custom designer t-shirts.

We are still putting the final tweaks to the code, but are just about ready to change the site.

And, once again, one thing we need all of our artists to do, if you have not done so already, is to make sure all of your works are titled and you have filled in the description sections for your shirts. This is necessary for the search engines to be able to point customers you way.

Also, we have had a bunch of luck lately with commercial designs. One of the things, though, that we have run into (I'm one of the ones who made this mistake with one of my designs) is to make images the appropriate size and dpi. Simple designs can get away with lower dpi and such, but the more complicated your design is, the more resolution we need on the site. And don't go below 170. The images, even simple ones, start to fall apart.

We have a couple of graphic artists, including myself, who are part of the ALC team and will be happy to help anyone with solutions to design questions or problems.
So, just let us know.



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