Designer T-Shirt Artists Collective

Welcome to the site for those of us keeping Art Life Collective - the place for designer art T-shirts - alive and a growing concern. This is where we will talk about everything involving the collective, from our own artwork to how and why we print shirts and do what we do, with the occassional political and social diatribe thrown in for fun.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Technology upgrades for better t-shirts at Art Life Collective

As we continue to move the site forward at Art Life Collective for all of our custom t-shirt designers and participating artists, Blair is also working to improve our printing system.

Aside from streamlining the process, he is also improving our printing system with new software and an updated ink-delivery system for the press. What this means from a quality standpoint is that, especially with light colors -- pastels in particular -- on dark fabric, images will look better. We already have solid results to date, but these upgrades will take the quality a step farther.

Additionally, we are looking at adding more styles to our shirt options. One of the things the folks at Art Life Collective are considering is V-neck shirts for women. Though we want to do more marketing research and want more input from our customers on what they want before we spend a bunch of money on inventory. That means we need to hear from artists on what they want. ALC exists to help display our t-shirt artists work, so we need to hear from everyone on what they want here. The forum would be a good place to do that or feel free to email us at .

Blair covers most of this in several threads on the Art Life Collective Forum.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Art Life Collective text shirt shop

One thing the warm and fuzzy minds at Art Life Collective,, have realized is there is an excessive amount of cutsie phrase shirts out there. Well, that bothers us a bit. So, we have created our own designer t-shirts shop at ALC, with our own phrases that are, well, not so cute.

So far, we have things like:

My other ride is your mom

Your dog is licking his balls again

Even Gandhi thinks you suck

Fission, Bitches

Save the planet, kill yourself

and so on and so forth. It seems all of the “I love my kitten” type sites are making a profit with their stuff, so, to keep karma in balance, we are taking a different approach.

Hope you enjoy the new designs. We are just getting started with these here.

Peace and happy Thanksgiving.

The new Art Life Collective shop

Monday, November 20, 2006

Art Life Collective throughtout history

Art Life Collective,, custom designer t-shirts have been with us since the beginning.;topic=130.0#msg423
Thanks Jules for this little history lesson.

Monday, November 13, 2006

More artists join Art Life Collective

On the Art Life Collective front, we have gobs of new custom designer t-shirt artists on board. We have topped 110 artists with just shy of 500 pieces of work on the site. We have also moved operations from Miami to Orlando — for a myriad of reasons, not the least of which involves cutting down on overhead by half. There are a few bugs on the site right now since we are adding code to increase the search engine and create a section of text-only shirts created by myself and the other dark minds behind ALC. So far, “Your dog is licking his balls again” is my fave. That section appears under the ALC Shop artist page and will soon have its own tab on the front page. Don’t look for too many vomitously cut sayings there … We’re not that kind of people. Also a heads up, because we are doing so much coding, the site is a bit buggy right now. We should have all the glitches worked out soon … hope, hope.

As for artists creating works for the site or doing any sort of shirt designs: If you are looking more to make money than to just showcase your work … try tapping into pop culture icons. Again, our Juggernaut, Bitch shirts and similar creations tend to sell in glowing numbers. What we also see is that artists that have one or two such designs tend to sell other stuff off their pages better simply because they are attracting more traffic and getting their name out there more. Just a though for any artist looking to draw attention to their stuff online. Think about designs that will get indexed in the search engines fast or that hit on a particular cultural trend, then use them as bait to hook viewers to your work. From what we have seen at Art Life Collective and in the Art Life Collective Forum t-shirt discussions, that’s the way to go right now.