Designer T-Shirt Artists Collective

Welcome to the site for those of us keeping Art Life Collective - the place for designer art T-shirts - alive and a growing concern. This is where we will talk about everything involving the collective, from our own artwork to how and why we print shirts and do what we do, with the occassional political and social diatribe thrown in for fun.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Featured artist for the Week: Bazzah

Bazzah is another one of Art Life Collective's custom t-shirt designers who has been with the site for the majority of its inception. Their designs lean towards the artistic side and are a strong standout among our contributors.

Artist Bio: My art stems from both extremes of human emotion: peace and harmony to the horrors of darkness and desolation. I use these themes creatively to invoke something both shocking and pleasing to the eye. My designs are reproduced in a large-scale format, meshing a wide variety of mediums including but not limited to: oil-pastels, charcoals, pencils, paints and photography. All elements are then combined into a portrait digitally.


Thursday, May 10, 2007

Featured artist for the Week: olive47

olive47 has done everything from giving life to a fake online cult (which needed a disclaimer since the mouth-breathing section of the public thought it was real) that uses sodium pentathol in all of its cooking to creating artwork and has been featured in Peel Magazine.

Her artist bio says it better that I could (even after eating some multiprism pancakes): "olive47 hails from the west coast, u.s.a. she likes small non-threatening mammals, magenta, mr. ramen, painting walls, cute portuguese boys, dub music, pancake parties, and white middle-class kids who pretend to be gangstas. she was once rumoured to be the bastard daughter of tammy faye bakker, and her friends tell her she's a good dancer. she might be in love with you."

Check out her Web site here
Join the cult here


Arrrrgh, Spammers beware

We have updated the Art Life Collective t-shirt designer and artist forum. Everything should be about the same for our users, but we have put a few extra barriers in place for spammers. I don't expect it to stop them completely, but it has stemmed the tide for now.

The only thing that may change for the artists at Art Life Collective on the forum is you may have to re-enter you name and password, since most of the cookies, certificates and such will have changed.

Also, ALC may be a bit on the buggy side for a little while. We are in the process of doing a major makeover for the site and some coding issues may crop up. The Art Life Collective team will be on hand to help with any problems that do crop up. Please report any problems (sooner better than later) to or


Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Featured artist for the Week: Jamey Weare

This week, hats are off to Jamey Weare, if for no other reason than his War is Sexy? shirt design. The artwork is outstanding, and the message he is sending is solid.
Not one of Art Life Collective's more prolific artists, Weare (who is one of those rare multi-talented individuals whose abilities cover the whole creative spectrum) certainly makes up for quantity with quality.

Again, he has been with ALC almost since the beginning, and his War is Sexy? shirts is one of the more popular designs.

Other artists take note here: If you want stuff to sell well, make sure the design is high quality and that it appeals to people. That seems to be the running theme so far with all of our featured artists.
